I parked at the Jim Schug Trail parking lot and hiked back (East) to Daisy Hollow Road where I left off last weekend, at mile point 4.8 of map 19.

Driving: I81 South to Marathon.  West on CR221 to Harford, then north (right) on 38 to Purvis Road.  Turn right, then right on East Lake Road and a quick left on Willow Crossing Road.  The Jim Schug Trail is immediately on the left, and there is a parking lot.  I parked here, hiked north (east) to Daisy Hollow Road where I left off 21 August, then back to the car.  Then I road hiked 0.8 miles back to NY38 and return, finishing map 19.  This is 9.6 miles round trip, about 5 hours walking.

A thunderstorm started when I was about 3/4 mile form the car.  But I had my umbrella with me, and it kept my head and glasses dry.  This was a very hilly hike, with significant grades that the trail cut switchbacks across.  When I started out, 4 trail miles from my destination, the GPS said it was only 1.5 miles away.  That's because of all the switchbacks, plus all the up and down.  It was probably the hottest day of the year and definitely the most humid.  But once the rain hit, and it sprinkled most of the way out, it was not that hot walking.  On the way back it didn't rain, and cleared.  But it was still very humid, and my glasses were fogged up most of the way back.


This is the view from about mile point 3, up above and looking West.


The map and profile, with the profile being the East to West profile, starting at Daisy Hollow Road, up over Rowland Ridge.

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